- Dyslexia
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Study method
Renewing your APC (SASC Approved)
2.5 hours
This SASC approved course is aimed at practising assessors who assess in the pre-16 age group or those working with adults who wish to further their knowledge of assessing in this age group. Delegates should hold AMBDA and/or an APC or have completed a L7 qualification in the assessment and teaching of SpLD learners. The course will support you in submitting your APC application as well as general good practice in report writing.
Part of an Accredited Course
Dyslang (Dyslexia and Additional Academic Language Learning)
The aim of this eLearning module is to enable teachers and parents to support the multilingual dyslexic individual in learning an additional curriculum language. That is, for example, in the UK a child may have Welsh as their first language, use English in the classroom, but also have to learn French. The materials for this module have been developed as part of a project, funded with support from the European Commission.