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Part of an Accredited Course
Practical Solutions for Higher Level Literacy Skills
4/5 hours
This eLearning module looks at how to support learners with higher levels of reading, writing and spelling. It explores techniques and strategies that enable dyslexic individuals to get what they need from text- based information and then demonstrate what they know in a written format.
NMH Support Workers: Disability Awareness and Policy Training
£40 per person
The Quality Assurance Framework (DSA QAG) requires that NMH support workers must have appropriate training on the policies associated with this area of work before delivering DSA-funded NMH services.
Part of an Accredited Course
Making Reasonable Adjustments for Dyslexia
4/5 hours
£120 per person
This eLearning module aims to provide an understanding of the process and remit of a workplace needs assessment, the legal parameters of reasonable adjustments, where they fit within the context of employment and the scope and format of the workplace needs assessment process and report.
Part of an Accredited Course
Dyslexia Screening and Identification (Post-16 and Adults)
4/5 hours
The purpose of this eLearning module is to provide candidates with a better understanding of the identification of dyslexia within an adult setting. This module looks primarily at screening for dyslexia, which is a process that often takes place prior to a full diagnostic assessment.
What makes an effective assessment for Adults (SASC Approved)
2.5 hours
This SASC approved course is aimed at practising assessors who assess adults or those working with school-age children who wish to further their knowledge of assessing adults. Delegates should hold AMBDA and/or an APC or have completed a L7 qualification in the assessment and teaching of SpLD learners. The course will broaden their understanding of the new report format and how to effectively assess neurodiverse adults.
What makes an effective assessment at post 16 for DSA? (SASC Approved)
2.5 hours
This SASC approved course is aimed at practising assessors who assess in the post-16 age group or those working with school-age children who wish to further their knowledge of assessing post 16. Delegates should hold AMBDA and/or an APC or have completed a L7 qualification in the assessment and teaching of SpLD learners. The course will broaden their understanding of Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) and how to effectively assess neurodiverse learners who will be entering university and/or applying for DSA.