What do I need to know as a teacher?
SEN Support
SEN Support has replaced School Action/School Action Plus (in schools) and Early Years Action/Early Years Action Plus (in early years settings). This is the support that a school or college should put in place for a child/ young person with Special Educational Needs (SEN).
A child or young person with more complex needs than can be provided for through SEN Support in their school/college may require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
If a parent believes their child may have special educational needs they should contact the teacher or SENCo. Alternatively, if a teacher or SENCo has concerns they should contact the child’s or young person’s parents to discuss the difficulties, and the appropriate support to put in place.
If the young person is over the age of 16 they should be fully involved in designing their own SEN Support and provision.
There are 4 stages of SEN Support:
1) Assess
The child’s difficulties must be assessed so that the right support can be provided. Parents, teachers and other professionals who work with the child should be consulted.
2) Plan
The school must agree, with the parents’ involvement, the outcomes they hope the child will achieve with the SEN Support.
3) Do
The school/college will put the support in place. The teacher is responsible for working with the child on a daily basis, but the SENCo and any staff involved in providing support should work closely together to track progress and ensure that the support is effective.
4) Review
The support should be reviewed at the time agreed in the initial plan. Teachers and parents should work together to decide whether the support is having a positive impact, whether the agreed outcomes are being met and if any changes need to be made.
If SEN Support is not sufficient to meet a child’s educational needs then a parent or school can ask the local authority for an EHC Needs Assessment. If the young person is over the age of 16 they can request one directly.
More information
SEN Support and the graduated approach. This guide will introduce school staff to the graduated approach to SEN Support, with the child and family at its heart.
SEND Gateway
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