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Is my student dyslexic?

Neurodiversity and Co-occurring Differences

Neurodiversity is a relatively new term. It is used to promote the view that neurological differences are to be recognised and respected as any other human variation. It counters negative social connotations that currently exist and aims to make it easier for people of all neurotypes to contribute to the world as they are, rather than attempting to think or appear more 'typically'.

The term is often used only to apply to those individuals who experience specific learning differences (SpLD), such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, and emphasises the co-occurring nature of these differences (see Co-occurring Differences webpage) .

However, a more recent understanding of the term views Neurodiversity in a much broader sense. This is summed up by the American writer Nick Walker: 'Neurodiversity is the diversity of human brains and minds – the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within our species.' (see )