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In the workplace

Screening, Diagnostic and Workplace Needs Assessments

Many dyslexic people have good coping strategies and dyslexic difficulties only become unmanageable when their environment changes, such as a new job role or management style.

If dyslexia is suspected to be the cause of difficulties in the workplace, then a workplace screener may be used to indicate whether further investigations should be carried out. You can find examples of screeners and checklists on our Diagnosis webpage. Although these are a useful tool, dyslexia can only be formally identified through a Diagnostic Assessment, the final report will also help to advise the most appropriate support strategies.

It is best practice for employers to offer a Diagnostic Assessment for any staff member that may be dyslexic. However, smaller organisations may not be able to offer to fully fund the assessment, but may instead offer to contribute to the costs.

If your employer is not willing to pay for or contribute towards an assessment, you can arrange and privately fund an assessment yourself. Find out more on our Assessments webpage.

Dyslexia is covered by the Equality Act 2010 and as such employers have a legal duty to ensure employees are not discriminated against. Employers must make Reasonable Adjustments to the workplace to enable the member of staff to carry out their role to a satisfactory standard.

You do not need to have had a Diagnostic Assessment in order for Reasonable Adjustments to be put in place in the workplace. A Workplace Needs Assessment will help to determine the Reasonable Adjustments which will best support you.