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Local Hubs: Expert Panel Volunteers

Could you represent the dyslexic community and bring your unique skills and experience to co-produce local dyslexia services?

We are seeking volunteers for our Local Hubs Expert Panel

The BDA are developing an exciting new project piloting Local Hubs for dyslexia and believe this approach will have a wide reach and impact. We aim to provide support and services that people from need in their area, that are accessible and inclusive to all. We want to work with a group of Experts by Experience to set up the pilot and then expand it to a wider network of Local Hubs. We are seeking input of individuals who share in our vision to make a real difference.

If you have the expertise, time and energy to contribute to this Expert Panel, we would like you to join us to make this happen!

Our Local Hub Panel Expert, Rodger, explains why he volunteered and why it's important to him.
"As someone who is personally affected by dyslexia, I understand the challenges many people face and believe that this initiative is an opportunity to use my specialist knowledge to support the ambitions of the BDA in making national and local change. Nothing could be more satisfying!"

Role Description

Volunteers are required to:

  • Contribute to the Local Hubs Expert Panel and communicate effectively with the team of volunteers and BDA staff.
  • Advise and comment on project plans, including the quality of planned services, possible limitations and appropriate use of charity resources.
  • Help to problem solve issues that arise.
  • Make connections and provide introductions where appropriate.
  • Commit to the project, attend virtual meetings and respond to communications.

Volunteers should have the following skills and experience:

  • Personal or professional experience of dyslexia.
  • Worked or volunteered as part of a team.
  • Experience or knowledge of one or more of the following:
  • Working with disadvantaged groups or inclusion and diversity work
  • Event planning
  • Running local/ in-person services
  • A branch structure or regional work in a charity
  • User-led service provision
  • Personal involvement events, support groups etc for dyslexia.
  • Charity development and strategy.
  • Action focused and committed to achieving tangible results in the project.
  • Able to join meetings via video call and communicate via email.


  • Meet quarterly
  • Other possible specific meetings as required, for selected panel members
  • Regular email communication and reviewing documents

Applications for this role are now closed.

Watch this space for Local Hub Volunteer recruitment in South Wales, Northern Ireland and Devon!