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Fundraise for the BDA

Fundraising Materials

Because your fundraising means that we can do more to support those with dyslexia, enabling them to reach their full potential, we want to make things as easy as possible for you. If you are running a fundraising event download our free material below or use the form to request more resources.

- Personal Donation

To request T-Shirts, pins, money boxes please complete this form:

If you are requesting material on behalf a company, please indicate here
Please indicate where you would like materials to be delivered.
What Size Running Vest would you like?
If you require more than one, please write your requirements in the box below. We are happy to provide up to three vests free of charge. Should you require more, please get in touch to arrange payment.
What Size T-Shirt would you like?
If you require more than one, please write your requirements in the box below. If you would like more than 3, please contact us directly to arrange.
Would you like any other Fundraising Material?