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My Dyslexia Story: Margaret Dyer

Monday 7 August 2023

I guess a part of me always knew I had dyslexia but I always put it down to my Epilepsy, I struggled in all of my exams in school, sure I had extra time but that made no difference for me but as I got older it became more apparent, in my second year of college I was 17 my English teacher approached me and asked if I would be open to a dyslexia test, I asked her what it was, she sat me down and explained it. I agreed and was therefore diagnosed with dyslexia.

Dyslexia has been the bane of my life, living with it has not been easy as people look at you as if you are stupid. However, being a dyslexic but receiving the long-awaited email that tells you that a book you have written is accepted for publication, is an indescribable feeling. It felt like I was now in control of my own life, not my epilepsy not my dyslexia.....ME!

My struggling school life put me in a bad place with confidence. Now I rely on Microsoft Word to do the spelling and grammar for me and that still isn't right, then I rely on the publishers.

The day my life changed…

I was working as a Travel Money Advisor for a while and really enjoyed it I hated maths but enjoyed the job, I went for the position as Bureau Manager not expecting to get it because my maths was awful but my manager offered me the position, I was shocked, surprised and happy all at the same time.
2 days into my new role I receive an email from the publisher that I had sent my first book to, taking in a deep breath I opened up the email to find they have offered me a contract of publication. Tears streaming down my face I told my team the news and they all screamed with excitement.

My advice for someone who has recently been diagnosed with dyslexia:

So, you have dyslexia, are you going to let it take control of YOUR life? No, you’re not, because you and you only are the author of your story.

Dyslexia is a real thing, and it does affect people’s day to day lives. Employers, Schools, College's, Families and Friends need to realise that just because someone has dyslexia it doesn't mean they can’t carry out the job. Dyslexic people are smart and creative in their own ways and me as an Author myself intend to spread that word to the world.