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Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark for Education

The BDA鈥檚 Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark provides a framework for educators to improve their understanding of dyslexia and develop the support they offer to their dyslexic learners. The Quality Mark philosophy is that changing practice to accommodate dyslexic individuals results in greater levels of achievement and engagement for all learners.

Our Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark will provide a framework of support and understanding to ensure that everyone within your setting understands the needs of the dyslexic individual and that the appropriate resources and strategies for support are available. This award is only issued to those educational settings that can demonstrate that they provide high quality learning experiences for dyslexic individuals.

Whilst the Quality Mark should ensure that the needs of most learners with dyslexia are supported, some learners with more severe needs may require specialist support provided by specialist dyslexia schools.

The BDA Dyslexia Friendly Quality Mark is an external sign of approval widely recognised in the UK and internationally. Above all, holding the award is a positive statement to learners, parents, staff and stakeholders that your setting is a place in which dyslexic individuals can thrive.

The Quality Mark welcomes applications from Primary, Secondary and Further Education as well as Adult /Professional Education, including Secure Learning Environments. It is not suitable for Higher Education.

If your setting is a school, achieving the award gives you the option of being added onto the CReSTeD (Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils) register of Maintained Sector (MS) schools.

Read our guide to the Quality Mark

A diagram of the process for Quality Mark Educators is

For more information please contact the Quality Mark Team at QualityMarkEd@bdadyslexia.org.uk

Ready to apply and become a Dyslexia Friendly Educator? To request a registration invoice please