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Important Announcement Regarding Dyspraxia Foundation

Monday 22 April 2024

We were very sad to hear of the closure of the Dyspraxia Foundation. This is an organisation that has provided information and support to individuals and families for over 30 years, successfully raising awareness of dyspraxia and promoting a world where dyspraxia is not a barrier to opportunity and fulfillment.

About Dyspraxia

Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), also known, in the UK, as dyspraxia, is a common but serious disorder affecting movement and coordination in children, young people and adults, with symptoms present since childhood.

DCD is distinct from other motor disorders such as cerebral palsy and stroke and occurs across the range of intellectual abilities. This lifelong condition is formally recognised by international organisations including the World Health Organisation.

The person’s coordination difficulties will affect their functioning in everyday activities, including in the classroom, at work and in leisure activities. Difficulties may vary in their presentation and will also change depending on environmental demands, life experience, and the support provided.

There can be a range of co-occurring non-motor difficulties which can have a substantial adverse impact on daily life. These may include social and emotional difficulties as well as problems with time management, planning and personal organisation, and these may also affect a person’s education or employment experiences.

Many of the movement and coordination difficulties will continue into adolescence and adulthood. Although the motor difficulties persist throughout life, non-motor difficulties may become more prominent as expectations and demands change over time.

With appropriate recognition, reasonable adjustments and support, people with DCD can be very successful in their lives. DCD can co-occur with other developmental and specific difficulties.

Further information can be found here:
NHS: Developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia) in children - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
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